Friday February 9, 2018
Skype (Newtown, Sydney University, King’s Cross and the University of New England)
Physical human beings discretely situated in different places, with different (but probably quite similar) interior conditions, connected in discussion by cable and wi-fi and computer and lots of energy
A less ambitious year than the non-existent Master Vision of 2017. 2018 will be a year of “intentional adhockery”. Or, a year of epistolary weatherings, parcels of weather sent and received and archived online. Hopefully with one or two fleshy meetings of two, or three or four of us. Of course, we are all weathering alone and together all the time. But there’s something about bodies in proximity that we agree is special.

Letters to be sent to each other in 2018. Private address book to be maintained by the collective.
Photographs of correspondence to be uploaded to blog developing some kind of archive.
Printing to be done on Big Fag press (at least one of the big plans from 2017 coming to fruition, surprisingly! – with some serious intentional adhockery)
“intentional adhockery”
“letter writing! / can we send each other parcels of weather?”
“as a long term collaboration – what are our long-term goals?
the retreat – getting away, thinking together, bringing our work to new levels
a space for experimentation – is the distance an opportunity o being more experimental about research methods (through dispersal, distance)
for many reasons, there are good reasons for generating strategies for working across distance (‘i have a problem being present…’)”
JM Hamilton & AN Neimanis “Weathering” (a piece we have forthcoming in feminist review)
Michelle Tea, Black Wave –
Christina Sharpe, In the Wake –
Gail Jones, on Glebe, also about weather? – (Interesting affinities with Giggle Bec’s/Bush Google/Bec Giggs’s contribution to the Weathering Map!)
Kate Wright “Gleaning the Soils of Darktown” (AHR special issue – Forthcoming)
Clare Land, Decolonising Solidarity
(Kate thinking about how weathering implies an embodied version of the ethics of discomfort described in Land’s book; being exposed to the weather – but also as/while building shelter, making shelter)
Anna Tsing – The Mushroom at the End of the World – for this very Weathering quote:
“Anyone who cares about ideas then, is forced to create scenes that exceed or escape “professionalization”, that is, the surveillance techniques of privatization. This means designing research that requires playgroups and collaborative clusters: not congeries of individual calculating costs and benefits, but rather scholarship that emerges through its collaborations”